Mathieu Ferré Sculptor


Since the Neolithic era, men use the stone. First as a tool and as a weapon , it will be then assembled to create the first hard dwellings and over time , the most remarkable buildings .

Nowadays, most of these buildings continue to witness these ancient skills and place the stone to the rank of the most durable material in terms of construction.

Several years of renovation of historical monuments in differant French departments as well as experience abroad, have allowed me to acquire solid knowledge, which allows me to offer you a job to renovate, change in the rules of art. It mean using traditional masonry technics adapted to each building but also employ the right materials (stone, lime, earth ...).

As each project needs to be well thought out , I invite you to think together so that best meets your expectations

Interested by discovering new places, i can study any projects all over the world and etablish it. 

Enjoy your visit.
Chateau des ducs de bretagne

Last edited: 11/02/2025